Architectural surveying
for the conversion, refurbishment and in some cases extension of the following, often listed buildings:
- Conversion and refurbishment of ‘Marienheim’ in Speyer
- Refurbishment of former barracks buildings in Lahr am Hohbergsee, approx. 313 flats in a total of 7 buildings
- Conversion and refurbishment of a care competence centre in Ludwigshafen
- Reconstruction and refurbishment of ‘Grüner Baum’ in FR-Denzlingen
- 32 flats in the former airship barracks ‘Villa Graf Zeppelin’ in Lahr
- ‘Hotel Adina’, conversion and refurbishment of two former office towers into a hotel complex, Frankfurt am Main
- Conversion of former barracks in Bad Kreuznach
- A total of 96 flats in 3 construction phases, former American barracks in Crailsheim
- ‘Pfälzer Hof’ in Bad Bergzabern – conversion and refurbishment
- 35 flats in the former crew accommodation of the Canrobert barracks in Rastatt
- 71 flats in the ‘Lofts an der Queich’ in the former oat warehouse in Landau
- 16 flats in the former tobacco warehouse in Herbolzheim
- Old police headquarters in Baden-Baden
- Waldorf School in Rastatt
- Various residential and commercial buildings
- 42 flats in the ‘Linke Kehlmauerkaserne’ on Leopoldplatz, Rastatt
- 35 flats in the ‘Villa am Park’, Canrobert site in Rastatt