Engineering surveying

Compliance with the required accuracy and its realisation on the construction site while observing economic efficiency?

The ‘right tool’ for the tasks ahead?

Knowledge of the finer points of surveying technology?

Of course!

Network measurements

  • Creating fixed point networks according to geometric and economic aspects
  • Measuring base nets with the required, project-related accuracy according to position and height
  • Monitoring measurements to detect deformations

Staking out for the construction work

  • Incorporating the planning documents and checking the geometry
  • Staking out the main points, stations, axes according to position and height
  • Logging and creation of stakeout plans
  • Checking the construction work with regard to accuracy, movement and deformation
  • Plan/photo documentation and provision in analogue/digital form

Line levelling

  • Line levelling along elongated projects
  • Fine/precision levelling for fixed points with increased accuracy requirements
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